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XBU40: Value-Driven Compliance Acceleration

XBU40: Value-Driven Compliance Acceleration

XBU40 is a fully managed and compliant Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS) GovCloud and built using InfusionPoints’ XccelerATOr Cybersecurity framework. XBU40 has been designed with security as the foundation to meet advanced compliance requirements for U.S. Government Agencies and Contractors. These include Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP), Department of Defense Cloud Computing Security Requirements Guide (DoD CC SRG), Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC), and Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) requirements. XBU40 is a cost-effective solution for achieving an Authority to Operate (ATO) faster, while limiting stress on cloud service providers (CSPs) and providing valuable insight into risk-based decisions at every step of the way. With compliance out of the box, XBU40 streamlines technical and operational security controls using field-tested implementations that are ready for customer integration.

This powerful new product offers a range of features and benefits for CSPs. For example, XBU40 leverages InfusionPoints’ 24/7/365 Virtual Network Security Operations Center (VNSOC360°), staffed by U.S. Citizens, and managed on U.S. Soil. This includes eyes on glass monitoring of the system and the cybersecurity threat landscape from experienced security analysts. Additionally, CSPs can leverage InfusionPoints’ team of subject matter experts to save precious time by avoiding rework, accessing technical support, and advising on key decision points to ensure that their Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution in XBU40 will pass the scrutiny of a security assessment.

The Advisory team supporting XBU40 has a vast knowledge of compliance frameworks spanning decades of combined experience. As an A2LA Accredited Third Party Assessment Organization (3PAO) InfusionPoints’ is uniquely positioned to add value by ensuring CSPs are informed regarding changing requirements for each technology in the environment, common compliance pitfalls during 3PAO assessments, and emerging trends and FedRAMP advisories. CSPs can feel secure knowing InfusionPoints’ team of determined subject matter experts has their back throughout their ATO journey.

XBU40’s Engineering team infuses security into every step of the CI/CD pipeline and has extensive knowledge of modern technologies to provide valuable insight on compliant development and configuration management. With expertise in cloud computing technologies and automation, our team holds certifications from Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Hashicorp Terraform, among others. InfusionPoints has also achieved advanced practices in AWS, including MSSP Consulting Competency, Government Consulting Competency, and Security Consulting Competency for our XBU40 architecture. XBU40 provides CSPs with access to industry leading technical experts deeply familiar with the nuances of compliant system development.

The Cloud Operations Team supporting XBU40 provides seamless delivery of required Continuous Monitoring operations and deliverables. XBU40 incorporates automation for the most challenging aspects of Continuous Monitoring, allowing CSPs to focus on their application while key vulnerability and security data is consolidated and presented to stakeholders in an easily understandable format. Dashboards and customizable monthly reporting metrics add superior value by enhancing risk-based decision making and prioritization, achieving efficiencies for CSPs.

XBU40 is designed to be a more cost-effective and value-driven option for CSPs looking to get their offering rapidly compliant, without the expense of an entirely new infrastructure. This is achieved through an economy of scale via multi-tenant isolation. Strict logical and physical separation ensures compliance while maintaining security controls and passing along value to CSPs. XBU40 is a turnkey solution that offers a landing zone in AWS GovCloud based on CSP specifications and business needs, but what truly differentiates the XBU40 offering from other products on the market is the unparalleled support from the InfusionPoints team. With XBU40, CSPs can access their landing zone in as little as a week and can achieve audit readiness in as little as two months. XBU40 is not just a product, it is a solution supported by a team of dedicated experts with the primary goal of seeing the customer succeed in achieving and sustaining their ATO.

For CSPs seeking an efficient and value-driven path to compliance, XBU40 is the ideal solution. With an array of features and benefits including a fully managed compliant environment, comprehensive documentation package, project and audit management, and a team of industry-leading experts, XBU40 provides CSPs with the assurance that field-tested security control implementations are ready for customer integration out of the box. By choosing XBU40, CSPs can focus on their mission while InfusionPoints takes care of the rest, accelerating their time to market and saving on costs, without sacrifice. Reach out to InfusionPoints today to learn how XBU40 can assist you in reaching your business objectives.

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